Ratko Mladic jailed for life over Bosnia war genocide
The former Bosnian Serb has been sentenced for life for genocide and other atrocities in the 1990s Bosnian war. He was known as the "Bosnian butcher", he led forces during the massacre of Bosnian muslims in Srebrenica and the siege of Sarajevo. The Un tribunal convicted him on 10/11 charges. However, He had denied the charges and his lawyer said he would appeal.
He was charged with the murder of 7,000 plus men and boys. He was cleared of a second count of genocide in other municipalities. Other charges included war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The crimes of troops under his crimes are as follows: Mass rapes of women and girls. Keeping the people in inhumane conditions-starving, thirsty, sick and beating them. Terrorising civilians by bombing and shooting them and destroying their homes and mosques.
After 16 years on the run since the 1995 war, he was finally found in his cousin's house in Serbia in 2011.
In my opinion he deserved a harsher sentence due to all the atrocities he committed. I hope that all the families that were severely affected by what Mladic did, have some sort of satisfaction or closure now that he has been caught and sentenced. Overall, what he did is not that different to what happens in this day and age in certain parts of the world, just that these current events are not as severe and more covered up by the government.
Aspirers- Seek status, materialistic, acquisitive, orientated to image and appearance, persona and fashion. Typically younger people.
Succeeders- Seek control. Strong goals, confidence, work ethic and organisation. Typically higher management and professionals.
Resigned- Seeks survival. Rigid and authoritarian values. Interested in past and tradition. Typically older persons.
Explorers- Seeks discovery. Energy, individualism and experience. Values difference and adventure. Typically a younger demographic(students).
Strugglers- Seeks escape. Alienated and disorganised. Few resources beyond physical skills. Buys alcohol, junk food, lottery tickets. Typically lower demographics.
Reformers- Seeks enlightenment. Freedom of restrictions and personal growth. Social awareness and independent judgement. Anti-materialistic but aware of good taste.
Although i would prefer to say that i do not fit into any category because i dislike being labelled. I would say that i fit mostly into the reformer category, although i do have certain characteristics from other categories. Due to the fact that i hate restrictions, i have more of an independent judgement and i am anti-materialistic.
This music video is a very positive and inspiring video for women of all ages, shapes, sizes, ethnicities,etc. It represents a variety of women and girls and connotes that all women regardless of what they look like, their age, where they are from, etc are beautiful regardless. It also shows the vulnerability of females, it makes the audience intrigued as to why these women are all of a sudden being depicted as so sad. Very few men are shown in this video, except to show that they are supporting the females. There is mostly use of full body and portrait shots, to mainly show facial expressions to evoke the desired emotions from the audience. The lyrics of the song go in perfect harmony with the visuals of the video. Overall, connoting that regardless of how women are viewed or depicted or the pressures that society tries to place upon us, we are all unique and beautiful. This is the empowering of women.
Badiah-Nailah Blackman ft shensea https://youtu.be/6VrmWNfVh4M
This song is of the category of Soca. It main purpose of creation is to not only make money and fame, but to contribute to carnival. It promotes that women at carnival should enjoy themselves, and dance as they see fit to the music, and not to just stand there and watch, but to let the music free them. Overall, it is a very fun song, that empowers caribbean women not to feel ashamed of their culture and to not be afraid to embrace it. During the majority of the video, it is set in a night time/ evening setting, to make it more seductive to encapture the embodiment of how carnival or caribbean dancing is in the way that they are dressed and dancing. It also shows parts of what living in the Caribbean is like. This is more of a grey area, can be seen as both empowerment and exploitation.
Crossover-Tommy Lee Sparta ft Sean Kingston https://youtu.be/XG7Kbr3sJaM
This music video essentially shows the "thug life" side of things. That once you are in the game and involved in that related lifestyle, you must have loyalty to your "niggas". This encourages young men to envision this lifestyle as something to aspire to, especially as you see they are smoking weed, lots of money and lots of women. This also reinforces the stereotype that black men are already represented as. The dim lighting also connotes to the darkness of the deeds that they are committing. overall, the music video holds a negative connotation although it could be bringing to light the issues that young men are faced with to survive in their own community. Also, the women in This video are being exploited rather than empowered as all of them are depicted as strippers.
Iran-Iraq earthquake: hundreds killed as border region hit
A 7.3 magnitude earthquake has killed at least 396 people and has injured at least thousands more. This has been declared the deadliest earthquake this year. Most of those who died were in Iran's western Kermanshah province where a search of survivors had started.
Unfortunately as well, the town's main hospital was severely damaged as well, leaving it struggling to treat hundreds of the injured. Rescue teams hindered by landslides, making it harder to rescue persons or to search for any survivors.
As this has recently happened there are unfortunately not a lot of updates on the tragedy.
Hopefully, other countries will support Iran-Iraq, instead of leaving them in their current state or destroying them even more while they are down. But seeing as Iraq-Iran is known to be prone to earthquakes, they should put reinforcements in place so as to ensure when events like this take place that there will be less damage and consequences.
Youtube is to restrict the availability of videos showing children's characters in violent or sexual scenes if they are reported by viewers.
Last week a blogger by the name of James bridle highlighted that youtube was still being swamped with indecent and bizarre scenes aimed at children.
The site begs to differ saying that it already stops those particular videos from earning advertising revenue, as its team was made up of " parents who are committed to improving our apps and getting this right.
The issue of these content creators using poplar children cartoons in violent and sexualised ways to frighten children has been widely reported. It appeared that such videos had been algorithmically generated to capitalise on popular trends.
Age-restricted videos are blocked from appearing in the youtube kids app and can only be accessed if logged in with an adult account.
A report from the New York Times had reported that inappropriate videos had still slipped through the net previously.
Youtube claims that it uses human reviewers to evaluate whether flagged videos are appropriate for a family audience. But in the post Mr Bridle stated that he does not know how youtube will be abel to stamp out the issue and therefore protect the youths from seeing too much before their time.
Overall, i do not think youtube will be able to 100% be able to stop these things from happening, but they may be able to set certain procedures in place to lessen the chances. Parent(s)/ guardian(s) will have to monitor their children and what they watch more in attempts to protect their innocence.
The national or regional identity that is represented in media, varies on the location. It is often the focus on certain stereotypical characteristics and customs associated with the nation or region.
Examples of the different representations of different cultural backgrounds and areas are;
The house wives series; This shows the "wives" of particular areas and the way that they behave. A more specific example is house wives of atlanta, it shows mostly if not an all black woman cast. It shows the relationships that the women have with each other and others that they encounter in their everyday lives. It does not necessarily represent black women as struggling or in poverty or as a minority but as rich, loud, ratchet and constantly "angry" or fighting. Therefore putting them in the known stereotype for black women.
The london riots which happened most violently in the area of croydon, this originated in north london over the shooting of a man by the name of dougan and then it trickled down. This helped to reinforce the overall outlook that most person have on croydon. A dangerous area, in which crime rates are high and the people(mainly the youths) are violent and rebellious.
The ice bucket challenge funded an ALS breakthrough, this was a social media campaign, which took place in the summer of 2015, helped to fund the breakthrough in ALS research of 2016. This helped to bring more awareness to the disease and to bring a lot of persons from around the world together for a cause. Although, persons did have their criticism about the campaign and called it "slactivism" as well as persons or areas that did not partake may have been "demonised", but the overall impact of the event was that of a positive notion.
These show both a positive and negative notion of regional and national areas. In my opinion, it does not matter about the area but the persons themselves, why certain things take place.
http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/morning-viewers-furious-racist-school-11177283- This story was posted on the newspaper 'Mirror's' website after being seen on the TV show 'This Morning' about a 12 year old school boy being told that he was banned from a school because he had dreadlocks. Tuesday said her son's hairstyle was "not an issue" and she had met the headmaster on several occasions without his dreadlocks being mentioned. She said: "I'm a strict mum. Before he even went to the school he spent an entire day in the school. Nothing was said to me, I sat down and downloaded the policy and nothing was said about dreadlocks". Chickayzea, who had not been given permission to miss school for the interview, revealed the trauma of being taken out of class during his first week at secondary school. The year seven pupil said: "I was in class and then my head of house came in and asked me if I can come out of class for a second and she told me that by Monday my hair was to be cut. "I was upset and a bit worried because I really wanted to go to that school."
A Labour activist who accused an MP of sexual harassment has told the BBC she feels disillusioned by how the party handled it.
Ava Etemadzadeh, 27, said she was left feeling "very powerless and isolated" after Kelvin Hopkins was promoted the year after she complained about him.
The MP has now been suspended by Labour while it investigates the allegations.
The party says it takes such complaints "extremely seriously". Mr Hopkins has not commented on the allegations.
Ms Etemadzadeh claims the Luton North MP made inappropriate physical contact while hugging her, after she had invited him to speak at a university event in 2014, which "made me feel extremely uncomfortable".
"The second incident was in Parliament when I went to have a conversation and he told me that 'let's not talk about politics, do you have a boyfriend?'," she told BBC News.
"And he also said that if nobody was in his office he would've taken me there. I was absolutely shocked and I wasn't really expecting that."
After refusing to respond to his phone calls, she claimed he sent her a message "saying that I'm an attractive, lovely young woman and a man would be lucky to have me as a lover and if he was young ... but he's not".
Some months later she raised concerns about Mr Hopkins' conduct with another Labour MP and her complaint was passed to the party's then chief whip Dame Rosie Winterton, who responded to it.
But Ms Etemadzadeh said she was told she would have to waive her anonymity for action to be taken and the prospect of this "scared" her.
It is understood Mr Hopkins, 76, was verbally reprimanded about his alleged behaviour.
But he went on to be promoted, albeit briefly, to Labour's front bench in June 2016 - shortly after leader Jeremy Corbyn faced mass resignations following the EU referendum. Image copyrightPAImage caption Mr Hopkins has been MP for Luton North since 1997 Ms Etemadzadeh told the BBC she believed that the Labour leader's office had been contacted about the complaint "and it was ignored".
"I'm very disillusioned because just a few months later I realised that Jeremy Corbyn promoted Kelvin Hopkins to the shadow cabinet, despite the fact that the leader's office was aware of this and they refused to act and that made me feel very powerless and isolated and alone."
Formal procedure
She said she had gone back to the party this week and raised it again but was told she would have to make a complaint through a formal procedure, via its National Executive Committee.
Then she was contacted by a party official and asked to detail her complaints in writing but was warned the procedure would take a few days.
She says that within hours the party contacted to her to say that they were suspending Mr Hopkins, shortly before the Telegraph published her allegations.
Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn declined to answer questions from reporters about Mr Hopkins's promotion on Friday morning.
BBC political correspondent Iain Watson said he understood that Mr Corbyn was aware that a complaint had been made against Mr Hopkins when he promoted him but was not aware of the full details and was told the matter had been closed.
In my opinion although In certain situations he was quite inappropriate with her. She sounds as if she has over exaggerated the situation. Also, it seems as if the parliament party is not actually taking her claims seriously, and they are making excuses for the situation. Overall, this does not give a good look in regards of the party, based on their representatives behaviour.
Positive representation of events;
The Royal wedding. This event was shown as exclusive, expensive and was made to seem important. They only showed the positive side that happened at the event rather than the negatives because the Royal family needs to be seen at a certain standard.
Football, which is also aired on television live, they only ever show clips of supportive fans and the game. Conveniently avoiding the negatives sides that the fans and even the players show.
Negative representation of events;
Raves are seen as negative because of the behaviour of those involved, and also the presumed activities that take place, and that the raves are cover up for transactions that are actually taking place.
Carnival is another example of a negative representation of an event in the media, the media normally shows and reports most of the negative rather than the positives to carnival. They more show reports of stabbings, robbery, acid attacks etc rather than persons having a good time and enjoying themselves. This is most likely done to fulfill an ulterior motive.
The media has placed a negative representation on certain issues such as the LGBT community for an example. Most see the LGBT as if they were a "disease", some are open about it but still prefer to not be affiliated. An example of this are when persons who are in the LGBT are bullied or killed.
Another issue is that of the care shown in care homes for the elderly is that the elderly are taken advantage of in their vulnerable state, and abused.
Positive representation of issues;
Women and girls all over the world have been speaking about their experiences of sexual assault forming the hashtag me too. This brings light to the issues that women face no matter how little or small it is.
Another positive representation of an issue is #blacklivesmatter. Because of all the issues affecting the black community they banded together to fight against the ill treatment and issues.
Positive and negative representation of the elderly in the media;
Are used to appeal to families as they are depicted as family oriented nd friendly, as represented in advertisements and programmes. For example; Pets4Home
Are often represented as weak, sick, fragile and vulnerable. For example; LifeAlert
Old age is often shown as taboo, this can be concluded based on the advertisements of anti-aging creams and ointments that have been created. For example; L'oreal.
Positive and negative representation of the youth in the media;
Young people are often represented as rebellious and rude, and just going through a phase as they try to "find" themselves. For example, The movie mean girls.
While others are represented as studious and school orientated. These are often shown known as "nerds".