Monday 14 May 2018

Weekly News

A premature baby was decapitated whilst still in his mother's womb when a top NHS doctor accidentally detached his body from his head during a botched birth.

Dr Laxman should of given the mother of the child (patient A) an emergency caesarean section at Ninewells hospital which is located in Dundee, as the baby was in breech position. However, the consultant gynaecologist instead attempted to deliver the baby naturally telling Patient A to push while Dr Laxman pulled on the baby's legs. This horrifically caused the baby's legs, torso and arms to become detached from the head which had gotten stuck in the cervix.

The grieving mum was unaware of what was happening next and was not given any form of pain relief except for a spray on the tongue to make the birth quicker, while the doctors put their hands inside of her and pushed their hands on her belly to attempt to deliver the baby naturally although as was Patient A's first birth should have been done via a C-section.

Dr Laxman who faces being "struck off" denies having been at fault for the death of the decapitated newborn.  The hearing has not yet been completed.

This is a horrific event that demonstrates the incompetence of the staff within the NHS, as the well as the treatment of patients and the communication of the staff.  This horrific event could have been avoided if Dr Laxman had followed previous instructions and done a c-section instead of delivered the baby.  Hopefully, Dr Laxman gives an appropiate public apology as well as Patient A receives some form of compensation and that this case is not "swept under the rug".

Unfortunately, this is just one amongst many, for with the amount increasing every year, but yet the NHS is suppose to be improving.  Hopefully, as with Brexit and the economy is meant to be gaining more revenue from this that this problem is rectified.

Oxfam Vs Water aid

Oxfam is an organisation made up of around 20 different charitable organisations operating in over 90 countries who may be struggling with poverty or diseases. In order to solve such problems within these communities Oxfam relies on donations from the public.  In majority of their adverts they use melancholy music to envoke such emotions of sadness and guilt, and showing how the extent of poverty to which the people live in as well as majority of their adverts represent them bragging about what they've done and how they've helped the people to now have sustainance to survive off.
However in a recent advert, it shows a more individual story of a person with a more upbeat background rather than depressing.  This advert shows the dreams and aspirations of the guy and how hard working he is.This makes the public more willing to donate as they can see the individual is already working hard to achieve something for themself, making them more inclined to donate.  These adverts are more targeted towards the wealthy or middle class, as they would have less of a reason to not donate their money and it's a way of achieving more status and favourability.

Wateraid is another charity inwhich is set up to improve global sanitation and reduce the amount of areas without access to clean water, unlike Oxfam, wateraid uses a more positive approach where rather than focusing on the negativity or the poverty that the persons live in they focus on the successful areas that are on the way to living a more stable and prosperous life.  It also depicts a sense of unity within the community as if to say its not just an "i" situation but a "we" situation.  The song being sung by Claudia may cause a sense of nostalgia for those that know the song and targets a specific demographic age in which this song and sense of poverty would be more rampant.  The advert shows how much happier and easier the lives of these people are with the help of Wateraid, by doing this it makes persons more inclined to donate as they can see the positive effects of their donations, which then makes them more willing to continue donating to eradicate poverty from all areas.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Weekly News

The mother of a 14 year old boy whom was shot dead in a turf war reveals how "killer gang" taunted her in a rap video.  Corey Junior Davis also known as CJ was murdered in a turf war whilst he was standing outside a playground.  The gang made a rap song about CJ's murder after he was shot in the head last September at Newham in East London.

The video of the gangs tauntings has been removed from youtube, Keisha Cj's mother has struggled to keep him out of the clutches of the gangs in the area.  She has found him multiple times carrying drugs to sell for example there was an instance when she found him with $400 worth of crack and heroine, that he was being force to sell.

When a gang member called CJ's phone she pretended that he was arrested and she even contacted the police and social services and told his school he was not coming back.  While she was waiting on Social services to move them away from Newham they went to live with her brother in South London.  Unfortunately Cj had run away to live with is dad in the East End, social services had gotten Keisha a new home in Barkingside but it was withdrawn a week later.

Cj ended up suffering from irreversible brain damage and his mum had to take him off life support a few days later.

This is an regretable situation in which highlights an issue of gang wars and violence as well as how the governmental system is failing many of those in need.  If social services had acted quicker CJ may still be alive and bettering his life as could be the same for many more youths.  The government needs to put better systems in plan to keeps youths of the street and do what needs to be done so that they can instead invest into the community.

Last year over 30,000 young black men died by that of knife crime/ shootings, this has only increased as time has gone by, hopefully the government notice the loss of many young lives as an important issue that needs a solution.