Monday 14 May 2018

Oxfam Vs Water aid

Oxfam is an organisation made up of around 20 different charitable organisations operating in over 90 countries who may be struggling with poverty or diseases. In order to solve such problems within these communities Oxfam relies on donations from the public.  In majority of their adverts they use melancholy music to envoke such emotions of sadness and guilt, and showing how the extent of poverty to which the people live in as well as majority of their adverts represent them bragging about what they've done and how they've helped the people to now have sustainance to survive off.
However in a recent advert, it shows a more individual story of a person with a more upbeat background rather than depressing.  This advert shows the dreams and aspirations of the guy and how hard working he is.This makes the public more willing to donate as they can see the individual is already working hard to achieve something for themself, making them more inclined to donate.  These adverts are more targeted towards the wealthy or middle class, as they would have less of a reason to not donate their money and it's a way of achieving more status and favourability.

Wateraid is another charity inwhich is set up to improve global sanitation and reduce the amount of areas without access to clean water, unlike Oxfam, wateraid uses a more positive approach where rather than focusing on the negativity or the poverty that the persons live in they focus on the successful areas that are on the way to living a more stable and prosperous life.  It also depicts a sense of unity within the community as if to say its not just an "i" situation but a "we" situation.  The song being sung by Claudia may cause a sense of nostalgia for those that know the song and targets a specific demographic age in which this song and sense of poverty would be more rampant.  The advert shows how much happier and easier the lives of these people are with the help of Wateraid, by doing this it makes persons more inclined to donate as they can see the positive effects of their donations, which then makes them more willing to continue donating to eradicate poverty from all areas.

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