Monday 2 April 2018

Fruit vale station

This move although some based on a case rhy happened several years ago still depicts the issues that occurs up To this day. This shows that the issue has not been addressed but only worsened.
The movie seems to be mostly centred around the issue of police brutality but it also shows other key issues affecting certain communities as well.   In the case of police brutality it shows us how black males are treated by the police, how they are stereotypes and the inequality.  As shown in the movie only the black males that were in the fight we’re targeted while the Hispanics were not, as well how the police took advantage for them for no valid reason and also the fatal shooting of on the arrested men.  This can also be referred to real life instances for eg the casebook of Trayvon Martin, Alton Sterling, Ferguson and many more, most of which cases the police officers involved faced light charges while these men/ boys lost their lives.
Another issue shown within the movie is that of poverty/ the struggle to “make ends meet”,  in the sense of ; in the movie it depicts that he’s struggling to pay rent, this can be seen from when the camera does a close-up shot of his face to shown his disgruntled facial expression at the circles “tent” on the calendar connoting it needs to be paid soon.  As well as when his sister calls saying she needs help with the rent and also this contributes to why he was selling drugs in the first place and why he ended up in preventable situations, this can tie into Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the needing of one level before getting to the next one.  This can connote that the government needs to do more in providing for its people, if it did a lot of these scenarios would not even take place.

But this also shows the stereotype type of men, and that is as a provider,  when it was his mom’s birthday he bought majority of the things needed as well as although he was struggling himself, he still agreed to help his sister with the rent ass well as him hustling just to pay the rent and other necessities for his family. 

 However, he does go against the stereotype of a black man in certain cases such as; the general black male stereotype is the abscence from their child/children’s lives however he was always there for his daughter, and they had a very close bond,  although he was a bit violent he always did good deeds, for eg; willingly using his last ten to get his girlfriend and two other women into a bathroom, although having next to know money still ensuring he gave for his mom’s birthday, the sympathy for when the dog got run over, the helping the woman when she neeeded to know how to make the fish, etc.
The movie showed not only how the persons involved were affected leading up to their death but also how it affected those around them and hide close to them.  It Provoked a feeling of empathy especially when it showed the actual footage of what happened and the actual man and his daughter in the end.  It’s sad to see that as a society it’s only gotten worse and not better, hopefully as we progress as a people these things will be eradicated.

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