Tuesday 24 April 2018

Weekly News

An independent coffee chain called the Boston tea party is assumed to be the first within the Uk to ban  the selling of hot drinks in disposable cups.  From the month of June, the 21 branches of Boston tea party will only sell hot drinks in reusable cups so as to stop wasteage.  Customers are allowed to either bring their own mugs, buy one in store or make a deposit on one that they are able to return.

It is estimated that this company alone gives 300,000 disposable cups, as well as estimated more than two million disposable coffee cups are used each year within the UK, with less than 1% being recycled.  The company did offer a 25p discount on drinks if the customers brought their own cup, however an estimate of only 2.8% of persons took up the offer l.  A new scheme is to charge £4.25-£4.75 for a reusable cup or to pay a loan.

Other companies such as; Starbucks; charging an extra 25p discount on hot beverages if they bring their own reusable cup, Costa coffee- promised to recycle the cups and a 25p discount on hot beverages if they brought their own cup and Pret A Manger- offers customrs 50p discount on hot drinks if they bring their own reusable cups.

This is a good move on behalf of the company because not only does it cause them to gain more favour in the eyes of consumers as well as lessen wastage and help the environment it also gains them more publicity and awareness among present and possible consumers.  Although other chains are following suit; Boston tea party is the only one that seems to be making actual actions to lessen wasteage.  Hopefully, the government gets more involved and gives the necessary support either funding or publicity needed. 

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