Monday 5 February 2018

Hypodermic needle theory

The stereotype of muslims has been portrayed in an extremely negative light, especially since 9/11.  This has led to "islamaphobia".  Due to the reports of newspaper and commentary on social media platforms, most persons view muslims in a demeaning and negative light that may not be 100% accurate.  Most persons may see muslims as "terrorists" "extremely religious""abusive" especially towards their women, etc.  However, this may not be the case for all muslims.  It it wrong to cateogarise everyone under this denomination in the same negative light, and oppressing them due to their beliefs and customs.  There are some muslims and other cultures trying to bring positive light on that of islam, with some entering media as beauty gurus trying to empower other muslim women and show that they are also beautiful regardless of if their hair is covered.  Others, trying to show that not all muslims are terrorists and that they are not all immigrants and not all poor.  However, especially because of the government, who mainly seem stuck on deporting them, it does not help that they are using their influence to continue the oppression of muslims.  The extensive research used has not highlighted a single positive piece of information on anything about muslims or what has happened for them to reach where they are.

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