Tuesday 6 February 2018

Weekly news

It was reported on the BBC  News that 20 month old Alfie Evans whom suffers from a progressive neurological degenerative condition, that future treatment would be futile.

The child is said to be in a semi-vegetative state and has not been precisely diagnosed. The UK doctors said it would be inhumane to continue treatment.  It has also been said that scans show "catastrophic degradation of his brain tissue".

They believe mechanical ventilation should be stopped for Alfie whom was born May 2016.  Although, his parents and family disagree and want to keep him alive for as long as they possibly can, others of professional medical status think otherwise.

A similar case is that Charlie, whom had mitochondrial depletion syndrome, a rare genetic condition that causes progressive muscle weakness. Unfortunately, Charlie died at 11 months old in a hospice.

I believe that this is a very sad and sensitive issue, that I hope gets treated as such.  Although, stopping treatment will allow the child a peaceful death, I also believe ultimately the parents should have the final say.

It does not surprise me that BBC News reports this story while seemingly taking the governments side concerning the matter as they are a right wing paper.

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