Tuesday 27 February 2018

Medicinal Marijuana (Weekly News)

Image result for marijuana from saint vincent
On the island of saint Vincent and the Grenadines, it has recently been found out that the island contains "high grade marijuana".  The island is said to be considering the development of a medical marijuana industry, how ever the current problem with this is how to export this to first world countries such as Canada, America, etc as some other islands such as Grenada, St.Lucia, etc have already stated they do not want to be involved in this.  As well as issue of proper legality in these countries as well as payments, as banks are proper regulated and may not accept money that is gotten through weed money.  

Many do not believe that this move will be successful for the island, although the prime minister seems to differ.  Some persons have stated that, Marijuana is not yet legal in Canada, while another stated that Canada is the world leading medical marijuana selling.  However in my opinion, I do believe that this could open up a new form of revenue for the island, I do not believe that the island is yet advanced enough to be able to get this legally exported  much less sustained.

There seems to be no other islands exporting medical marijuana although it is legal in islands such as Jamaica.  No other island within the Caribbean seems to be attempting to make an actual exportation business.

The source of this is IwitnessNews, this news states that it is unbiased however, seems to lean more towards which ever party is in power, which at the current moment is ULP.

This story highlights the issue of the governmental system, because as the elections approach  this may be a ploy to simply gain votes rather than to benefit the people.  As seen with the international airport they recently built which absorbed majority of the economies income which they did not need, that same money could of been used within the education system or within the hospital.  Only time will tell if this will be the case with the exportation of medicinal marijuana.

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