Wednesday 14 March 2018

Drake-God's plan

This music video contains drake giving money to persons that seem to be in need in some way or another.  Whether it in the form of a donation to the fire station, or to an orphanage or even to a few students for a scholarship.  There are close-ups and portrait shots of the persons receiving the money and their reactions to invoke emotion and show the importance of giving to those in need.

However, the lyrics of the song are quite contradictory, because in it Drake mainly refers to himself and how persons want to do him wrong and that he will succeed in life regardless.   As well as, in certain shots he is seen from a low angle shot as well as high up on a platform above others and constantly in a lighter background to connote a sense of "Godliness" or angelicness.

However, charitable and of a good deed this may seem to be, I have more of an oppositional reading to this.  I believe that although it was charitable, the money was still the label's and a form of promotion of their artist (Drake) so as to be able to make a profit, because I highly doubt that any of the money they spent caused a dent in their pockets.

Some others may read it as a charitable act out of the good of his heart just to benefit society, because he has seen how much the persons in some communities are struggling.

The demographic of this video are that of average to low class, and mainly of the African American race.  This portrays that most of the poor persons in certain areas of America are Black.

Overall, it was a heartwarming and emotional video, that showed how giving can really make a difference In someone's life.

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