Friday 3 November 2017

Representation of issues

Negative representation of issues;

The media has placed a negative representation on certain issues such as the LGBT community for an example.  Most see the LGBT as if they were a "disease", some are open about it but still prefer to not be affiliated.  An example of this are when persons who are in the LGBT are bullied or killed.

Another issue is that of the care shown in care homes for the elderly is that the elderly are taken advantage of in their vulnerable state, and abused.

Positive representation of issues;

Women and girls all over the world have been speaking about their experiences of sexual assault forming the hashtag me too.  This brings light to the issues that women face no matter how little or small it is.

Another positive representation of an issue is #blacklivesmatter.  Because of all the issues affecting the black community they banded together to fight against the ill treatment and issues.

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