Thursday 23 November 2017

The suited psychographic

Aspirers- Seek status, materialistic, acquisitive, orientated to image and appearance, persona and fashion.  Typically younger people.

Succeeders- Seek control.  Strong goals, confidence, work ethic and organisation.  Typically higher management and professionals.

Resigned- Seeks survival.  Rigid and authoritarian values.  Interested in past and tradition.  Typically older persons.

Explorers- Seeks discovery.  Energy, individualism and experience.  Values difference and adventure. Typically a younger demographic(students).

Strugglers- Seeks escape. Alienated and disorganised.  Few resources beyond physical skills.  Buys alcohol, junk food, lottery tickets.  Typically lower demographics.

Reformers-  Seeks enlightenment.  Freedom of restrictions and personal growth.  Social awareness and independent judgement.  Anti-materialistic but aware of good taste.

Although i would prefer to say that i do not fit into any category because i dislike being labelled.  I would say that i fit mostly into the reformer category, although i do have certain characteristics from other categories.  Due to the fact that i hate restrictions, i have more of an independent judgement and i am anti-materialistic.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your honest self-judgement. This piece may be improved for future reading by adding an introduction to what psychographics are and your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the theory in comparison to other theories or points of view on the same topic.
