Friday 10 November 2017

Representation of national and regional identity

The national or regional identity that is represented in media, varies on the location.  It is often the focus  on certain stereotypical characteristics and customs associated with the nation or region.

Examples of the different representations of different cultural backgrounds and areas are;

The house wives series;  This shows the "wives" of particular areas and the way that they behave.  A more specific example is house wives of atlanta, it shows mostly if not an all black woman cast.  It shows the relationships that the women have with each other and others that they encounter in their everyday lives.  It does not necessarily represent black women as struggling or in poverty or as a minority but as rich, loud, ratchet and constantly "angry" or fighting.  Therefore putting them in the known stereotype for black women.

The london riots which happened most violently in the area of croydon, this originated in north london over the shooting of a man by the name of dougan and then it trickled down.  This helped to reinforce the overall outlook that most person have on croydon.  A dangerous area, in which crime rates are high and the people(mainly the youths) are violent and rebellious.

The ice bucket challenge funded an ALS breakthrough, this was a social media campaign, which took place in the summer of 2015, helped to fund the breakthrough in ALS research of 2016.  This helped to bring more awareness to the disease and to bring a lot of persons from around the world together for a cause.  Although, persons did have their criticism about the campaign and called it "slactivism" as well as persons or areas that did not partake may have been "demonised", but the overall impact of the event was that of a positive notion.

These show both a positive and negative notion of regional and national areas.  In my opinion, it does not matter about the area but the persons themselves, why certain things take place.

1 comment:

  1. Rhian i would disagree with you in relation race in the 'Housewives of......' series if anything my experience of the show is that wherever they base it the women behave exactly the same from Atlanta, New York or Chesire they have exactly the same characteristics and if anything discredit women by depicting them so simplistically as greedy, angry or lacking morality. Negative representation of all women i think is the issue here.

    Check your grammar on the Croydon story some clarification and comparison would help to reinforce your point here.

    Not sure of your example with ALS please clarify. It may help too lead with your point and then introduce your example.

    Always check for CCCEO to ensure that you have covered the relevant bases for good analytical writing.
