Friday 6 October 2017

Encoding VS Decoding

The way in which media represents aspects of society, issues and events is very influential and powerful, it links directly to the way in which audiences interpret, understand and respond to these areas.

The repetitive of a particular representation by a media product over time has the effect of making it 'appear' normal.  For example; the covers of women magazines continually offer a unrealistic representations of perfect women.

Encoding: The producers of a media product use media language to garble(encode) ideas and messages through the representations that are constructed within the product, or in other terms ideas and messages communicated through a system of signs.   

Decoding:  The audience is then to decipher(decode) these messages and respond to them in a range of different ways or in other terms, this is the process by which an audience interprets a message.  This is also when the audience extracts from it only what matters to them.  

Therefore, in conclusion, encoding and decoding are very important in the world of media, because it is the relationship between the audience and the creator.

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