Monday 16 October 2017

Hospital to ban "supersized" chocolate bars

"Supersized" chocolate bars are to be banished from hospital shops, canteens and vending machines, NHS England says.

Sweets and chocolate sold in hospitals should be 250 calories or under, the head of the body says.

Under the plans, most "grab bags" will be banned - with hospitals given a cash boost for facilitating the change.

The proposals would also see 75% of pre-packed sandwiches coming in at under 400 calories.

Pre-packed savoury meals and sandwiches must also contain no more than 5g of saturated fat per 100g.

And 80% of the drinks stocked must have less than 5g of added sugar per 100ml.

This is to combat the "obesity epidemic", preventable diabetes, tooth decay, heart disease and cancer.  As much as this may be effective inside of the hospital, if the patients are more familiar to living an unhealthy lifestyle then when they leave the hospital all the hospital efforts would of been useless.

So this decision can go 50/50, it depends on the patient what kind of lifestyle they live, and if they would continue the "healthy lifestyle" or not, but the hospital's efforts are a nice gesture to the health of society.

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