Wednesday 11 October 2017

Is the Dove 2017 campaign "racist"?

This source is from the Guardian.

Dove newest advert has sparked mostly outraged and controversy.  It depicts a black woman taking off a shirt that matches her skin tone and transforms into a white woman who then transforms into a middle eastern woman.  What sparks even more outrage is the fact that on the Dove cream bottle it says "nourishing lotion for normal to dark skin.

Let's start off with the fact that on their bottle it has from normal to dark skin, what is meant by normal skin? what exactly is normal skin, this denotes that lighter skin or white skin is normal while dark skin is not.  Therefore, discriminating against women of colour and degrading black women as has been done for hundreds of years, and making lighter or white skin as a standard of beauty, therefore in a sense encouraging the notion of black women bleaching their skin to fit an "ideal" standard.

Even though they depicted a white woman transforming into a middle eastern woman, middle eastern women still do not get as much hate or are degraded as much as black women are.  This makes it seem as if black women are not comfortable in their own skin and want to be like white women or that they want to look like them.  Even though, this may be the case for some, it is not the case for all, and it encourages the never ending discrimination and under-valuing of black women, from the texture of hair to the colour of skin to the very features, that are only acceptable on other ethnicities.

In my opinion, this advert was racist whether that was the intention or not.  It can cause the continuation of under-valuing of black women and fuel the insecurities that happen from since young.  Even though Dove did issue an apology, it still did not come across as half-hearted and as far as i have seen it may not have been taken down.  I can only hope that Dove can learn from its mistakes and do better in the future.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post as it presets the issue and you've shown your opinion and included other aspects of ccceo
