Sunday 1 October 2017

Cross reference advertising

Cross reference advertising is the use of different social media platforms to advertise a service or a product.  For example a company may decide to use the radio and posters to advertise a particular product.
So cross reference advertising enables a business or an individual the ability to reach a larger audience and customer base.  For example while the elderly may read newspapers and listen to the radio the youth would most likely watch television and use apps on their smartphones to learn about new products or services.  Another reason is that certain platforms appeal more to certain people, therefore those particular persons would be more likely to watch the advertisement therefore gaining more public acknowledgement,
 So much public exposure can help the individual or business to make a profit.  For example, so much exposure of a service or a product on several social media platforms will reach a wide range of audience thus increasing sales or income.
 The use of so many platforms can be quite expensive and can cause damage to the revenue of the business or individual.  For example, if a business is just breaking even or making a loss, the use of money for so many platforms can cause a dent in the revenue of the business.
 If an advertisement connotes a negative message, then it being advertised on so many platforms means that it will be seen by so many persons and have a negative effect on them.  For example, if a business or individual uses an advertisement that encourages crime then that can influence persons negatively and encourage them to become involved in crime.

Even if a company or individual was to use more than one platform of media, it still won't reach 100% of the population.  For example, if a company uses posters, newspapers and the radio to advertise a product or service, it might not get to those who watch the television.

Therefore, in conclusion, I believe that it is effective and positive because it can reach a wide scale of the public.

1 comment:

  1. I liked how you explained what cross platform advertising is and included your own opinions about how cross platform advertising affects people in different ways.
