Friday 6 October 2017

How shot types and angles create meaning

                                                                           Camera Shots

Camera shots are a range of shots that are usually used to create specific techniques.  They range from a wide variety of shots such as;

Close-ups: This is used to create emotion and tension.  For example the close-up on a character's face makes the audience feel more involved with the character.  It can be a way of creating an impersonal relationship between the character and the viewer.

Extreme close-ups: This is used to create suspense or to draw attention to something important that will be used later in the narrative.  For example; this is mostly used in drama, action or horror movies. 

Long shots: Used where more information about the character or situation is required.  This is where the audience may be shown the characters and part of their surroundings to enhance the understanding. For example; this may be used in a crime scene.

Medium close-ups: This is also known as 'newsreader shots'.  This a shot from the shoulders up that would normally be used by a news anchor.  This shot is therefore related to a specific genre.

Establishing shots: This is a rapid ways of advancing the narrative by showing the audience where the action is about to take place.  This gives the audience an expectation of what will happen next and this normally enhance their pleasure.  For example; the use of shots of washington in films such as CSI cyber.  

                                                              Camera angles

A high-angle shot: This shot is normally used to make a character to appear vulnerable, innocent or insignificant.  This is normally seen from an aerial or bird's eye point of view.  For example; in action films or film sequences such as a car chase, so as to allow the viewers to see what was fully happening.

A low-angle shot: This shot of a character or object will create a sense of power and dominance.  For example; this is used in the marketing campaign for the 2016 Paralympics and it made the subjects appear strong and powerful and challenged the misconception of disability, helping to meet the campaign's slogan 'Meet the Super humans'.

In conclusion, different angles and shots are used depending on the scenario.  Therefore meaning that certain shots and angles are best suited for certain scenarios, etc.

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